Why did I become a food lawyer?
It started when I read Michael Pollan’s book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma. I always had an interest in food as someone who loves to cook and eat. Reading that book made me see food as central to so many things I care about: the environment, social justice, animal welfare, health, culture.
I became aware of the so-called “food movement” and needed to be part of “it.”
But how? I was a litigator at a big firm doing intellectually interesting, but unfulfilling work. I thought about leaving the law entirely and starting a food business.
And then I saw a blog post by Mark Izeman entitled “Wanted: Food Lawyers!” That was the lightbulb moment. I realized I could use my lawyer skills for the benefit of people and businesses who are making food better.
Also, I saw a need for this type of law practice. There are few lawyers in private practice who understand not only food regulation, but also the unique risks, intellectual property concerns, and contractual relationships in the food industry.
I also really enjoy working with clients who are passionate about their businesses. And it’s a great bonus that many of them send me yummy samples!